Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Simple Solutions

Ok so I'm not feeling great today, think the whole jet lag has kicked in or something! Anyways today I was thinking about a video I had recently watched, made by "The Girl Effect"... The "Girl Effect" is a charity that believes that investing in girls will benefit all the nations. The Girl Effect is defined on their website as  "the unique potential of 600 million adolescent girls to end poverty for themselves and the world".
Someone once told me that I am just one person and cant do anything in this world.  Well today, I am in the mood to dispute that. One person, male or female, making a change can invoke many others to make the same change, you perhaps cant change the world alone, but you can certainly get the ball rolling!

Anyway, I just completely diverted away from the main topic of this blog!
The video I watched was this, and I encourage you to watch it. 
It really simplifies world poverty, a situation that even the big shots and geniuses can seem to start to figure out. It take the problem at its root and changes it then before it can grow into a larger and menacing beast. 

I think though, the lesson of simple solutions can apply to many situations and not just world poverty. As a race, from what I can observe, us humans love to over complicate situations! We have a natural instinct to make things so much more complicated than they are, rather than looking at the rather obvious simple solution ... so today, if you are reading this and a situation comes to mind, I urge you to look for the simple solution as it is normally the best and less messy one!
Best Wishes!

Vicky x

Monday, 23 July 2012

Stop the violence!

Now for a serious post ... Whilst in India we had seminars on topics that were focused on empowering women and advocating women's rights.
One of the sessions, we were given a talk on WAGGGS' (World Association of girlguides and girl scouts) campaign to "Stop the Violence". This one session really inspired me. We were shown this video from WAGGGS ....
The video really depicts what can be done if we are willing to speak out, we can turn a whisper into a shout! The one statement that really struck me was "Ignoring violence or pretending it doesn't exist is the same as accepting it" ... so anyone who is out there reading this blog right now, please don't ignore the suffering that girls and women have to go through at the hands of men! Speak out, raise awareness, post this video on facebook, twitter ... we need to help turn this whisper into a shout! 
Violence against women and young girls is prevalent in all societies, in your own community whether you are aware of it or not ... so what can you do?! Add your voice, male or female! 
So don't accept this violence by ignoring it or pretending its not there, take a stand and add your voice!

"Building from a whisper to a shout, we need to talk, join together and inspire action around the world." ~ WAGGGS 

Vicky x

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Incredible India

Yesterday I arrived home from spending the past 2 weeks in India. My experiences there have really inspired me, and Im anticipating my next few posts to be based around my time in India and the things that I observed ... and a few pictures too!

India is definitely a place I can see myself going back to in the near future. I had the most amazing, eye opening experience and really got to embrace the Indian way of life, and I even bought a sari!

This is a picture of me in my Sari with Raveti, a girl who volunteers in the center we were staying in and my fabulous translator for the 2 weeks!

Vicky x

Hello and Welcome

Hello World
Im Vicky, and I have decided to start a blog as a way of sharing things that have happened, random thoughts and observations, and just the general craziness that drifts through my mind.

I feel like I should explain why I decided to call this blog "The Human of Being" ... Human psychology fascinates me, things we do in normal life that seem like nothing to us but when we actually think about it, these random traits are incredibly weird and interesting! So be prepared for random thoughts and possibly slightly philosophical statements! 
But for now, I welcome you and promise to make a noble effort to blog as much as possible 

Vicky x